Why I can finally enjoy Starbucks

While this is not necessarily a personal entry about my life, I have come the point where I feel like I need to write why I go to Starbucks about twice a week now. First off, coffee shops are my place to hang. I can think, process, and reflect better there than just about anywhere. So because of this I go there to do my sermons. So now I go to Starbucks every week.

Why Starbucks?

Well for one, the other coffee shop in Liberty has now become much more of a lunch spot than real coffee shop. I have found the Internet to be better at Starbucks. And the people at Starbucks have the demographic that is easy to talk to. So here I am.

I used to be against Starbucks, by all means, mainly because I thought they did not support fair trade. If you have known me since college I have become incredibly picky about my coffee and it being fair trade. But recently I found out Starbucks is going to be completely fair trade here in the next year or two, with the majority of their coffee already fair trade. This excites me that a corporation is actually doing something for the betterment of the coffee farmers. Ethically, this is so important. And so finally I can enjoy Starbucks (by that I mean brewed coffee and Cafe Americanos, no lattes for me! and their lattes still stink and Sumatra is their worst blend).

So I am a Starbucks customer/rewards member. You can find me at Starbucks in Liberty just about every Wednesday afternoon. If you ever want to run into me, you’ll see me there!

I hope you think about your coffee, where it comes from, and how it supports the farmers around the world in 3rd world countries. Remember they need support just like you and me, and paying an extra few cents is totally worth supporting those people. Be conscious of what you buy and what you drink.

Incredibly Grateful

Today I found a Christmas card on my desk, unsigned. Such an act is something wonderful, something generous, something that is of God. There are moments in ministry, in my life, in the church's life that people and God will surprise you. Today is one of those days and I must say I am incredibly grateful for that. Whoever you are, thank you. And thank the good Lord for His faithfulness and call to people to do amazing things. Merry Christmas to you and I appreciate you for everything (and I am not just speaking to the person who put the card on my desk but all who are a part of my life).

I Have a Wonderful Love for this Place

When I found out I was moving to KC a year and a half ago, I would've told you I'm going to be there for just the time of school. I'm going to get out of there asap, move on, go closer to home after school, etc. However that has certainly changed. Last night I got to spend some time with some guys from my church, both older than me, married, and have kids (of course I do this every weekend). And in that moment I realized how much of a family I have here in KC. Not biological obviously, but truly in North Star. It's an awesome thing to say that I truly love living here with my church family. I have no idea what lies ahead after school, but I know it's going to be incredibly hard if God calls me elsewhere. I must say I'm incredibly blessed by God to have such wonderful people in my life and I am very thankful for that. So thank you to all of you who have welcomed me in your life here in the NKC/Liberty/KC area. I love you all so much and am ecstatic to be here with you.