Sitting in Class...

As I'm sitting in class on this rainy Thursday morning, I am realizing my hair is getting really long. When my hair is edging my view of the top of my Macbook, I know it's getting really long. You may be wondering, this is no profound observation and I am just wasting my time reading this blog, which is definitely a feasible thought, however I must point out that hair growing simply shows the profound construction of time and that time is flying by (how my hair always sneaks up on me). So the question remains to get it cut or not? You probably don't care so I'll get off the subject.

Speaking of time flying, I am hoping that the next two months really fly. There are several reasons for this: class will be over for a little bit, I will get to go home to see family for Christmas, my current lease will be up, and finally snow will be coming down (hopefully) rather then it staying to the west in Denver (2 feet of snow, that's awesomely ridiculous). I must say this October has been one of the busiest, ever. And while it has been enjoyable, there have been some very stressful points that I'm looking to leaving behind.

There's a few thoughts for you people out there that may read this...if you want to read my thoughts in real time, I suggest subscribing to my Twitter... Til next time, may time be subjectively advantageous for you whether that be fast or slow and may God use you in those times in the interest of His Kingdom.

Youth Blog > Personal Blog

So I blog every week...but not on my personal one. Which is sad, but at the same time shows my devotion to the youth site rather than my own personal webspace (I'm not bragging, but you can see the other blog on Or maybe I do not blog anymore because of my love for Twitter (as a microblog is constantly blogging). In either case, you blog watchers (note watchers on Facebook) have been neglected, and I am truly sorry for that. So I will give you something to read:

I will give you my thoughts on my disconnect from seminary, as it has grown over the past month. Some of you may think, it is your own fault...we never see you in're never must spend most of your life at home doing nothing. How I wish this was the case. I find myself constantly busy between school, ministry, and lessons. And I love this busyness. But in the busyness I must find myself to sacrifice some type of thing...and that thing is the community at seminary. Granted I have several new friends I am hanging out with in the Commons on class days, but as far as extra-curricular activities with seminarians on a regular basis...nope.

It's not really your fault, nor the seminary's, nor my own. It's just a natural disconnect when one lives a life differently from others. Most single off campus seminarians are like myself, busy with ministry, school, and work. Others who live on campus have a social dynamic that is similar to college, which I don't have and can't force in my life because of distance. And the rest of you are married (love you married people to death as oftentimes you feed me, yet there is a slight disconnect of how life is married and single).

And so all NTSers, sorry life just moves on without our amazingly awesome relationships that could be if I was closer in proximity, or if I was married. I pray though that the few moments I do spend time with you all, that we cherish, understand each other, and most importantly love one another as family in ministry. Because this is who we have to look to in the future, the people we go to school with, our colleagues. So I hope we can get to know each other not on just a theological level but a personal level so that we can go to each other in the future.

There you have little diddy about why I'm so antisocial...or not antisocial at seminary.

For those looking for an update on life: I still live up North near my dearest church, I am constantly putting church over my schooling, and single as always (not necessarily a bad thing...or is it? lol). Currently my schedule allows me to be free most Fridays and Saturdays (evenings) please ask me to do something sometime (especially you people in Nashville :-) )
Finally, I have spent probably my life savings over the many different CDs this past month and you should look into some of them:

For awesome worship please please please buy David Crowder's Church Music
For the alternative people: recently bought Muse's Absolution and Arcade Fire's Funeral (older albums but must owns for the alternative fan...or music fan to begin with)...and please don't neglect Kings of Leon
For you Christian music lovers (that don't always sound Christian): Relient K's new one and Derek Webb's Black Eye (get it from his website for the song with s*** in it)...and don't forget Needtobreathe's The Outsiders for your Southern tastes epic blog post that not only explains my current social situation but also suggestions for people should be happy...and if on

I'm out