What a Difference A Week Makes

Well, since I am procrastinating still, I might as well blog...I know this one is long but you should read it all the way through (speaking mainly to J on this!)...

What a difference a week makes. If you would have talked to one of my parental units last week, they would've thought my life was in shambles, leading to a dependence upon some type of drug [well I was on antibiotics last week, but that's besides the point :-)]. With all the work that was upon me, and just a pure unhappiness with my condition, I was buckling, hurting, angry. The difference of moving, the pressure of maintaining holiday events with the youth, the papers, the tests, the amazing pressure from women (oh wait, I don't have that problem, I'm too busy with the prior things) was unheard of. I found myself shaking my fists at God, saying let's do this thing! Of course any fist fight with God would be comical, as I would be punched into oblivion, far worse than being vaporized by a nuclear bomb. And then the weekend happened...And as I was giving a message about peace this past Sunday, God was speaking to me more than anything. And I have been getting to know my new roommate, I have discovered my ability to laugh again. Things have just been falling into place, which attests to the hope sermon I gave the week before.

And now I talked to my paternal unit today, and sure enough he said these words, "Well you sound a lot better than what you were." I realized my voice was calm, relaxed, and purely happy. I wasn't snapping nor clapping...oh wait I meant that in a tonal context with my voice. I wasn't angry, I wasn't rushed, I wasn't dying. It's sort of weird considering the tone of the semester, but here I am, living, breathing...only because of God. He got me through, in a way I could never imagine. He has blessed me with a great life, a great living space, a cool roommate who shares my name (it's confusing when his girlfriend comes over), a great youth group, a great family, and some awesome friends. What a difference a week makes, but God is great, He's awesome, even when I try to disagree...and that is a great thing. If you are in a hard time, know that God will get you through, whether the result is great or not something you wanted (I'm unsure of just one grade this semester), He will get you through, He will keep you, He won't abandon you, He'll shake you up, but that shaking can be awesome for you, for your life, for your character, for the people around you, for your ministry, for your call. Suffering creates character as Pastor Hankins said some odd years ago (the one sermon that has stuck with me for years). Be encouraged for our God is Great!



December 11, 2008 at 10:30 PM

Amen, and amen :)


December 12, 2008 at 12:54 PM

Yeah yeah... I read the WHOLE thing!


My Verification Word was: RHERIN

Hey Matt... you rherin' to go or what?
Is that mom shouting for us? Hey mom, rherin here!