Ah yes...I forgot my other form of narcissism

ah...my blog

where have you been oh my blog?

I have neglected you for too long my blog...so therefore I will indulge your need for my narcissism

It's been what...a month...a little longer since I have blogged...I really think my micro-narcissistic tendencies are more enjoyable on Twitter than blogging now and days.

But I will update you people in the blogosphere...

Final two weeks of school for this spring semester...been very busy with that....
Enjoyed the 30 Hour Famine with my teens as much as I could enjoy it...I love food btw
Looking forward to coming home over the Memorial Day weekend so I can see some family and retrieve my girlfriend...that's a funny way of saying it.
And life is just plain busy...reasoning why Twitter is so much more enjoyable to me...
In any case hope your life is going well...you can look forward to my narcissism some other day...lol

I Have Much To Do

I remember the days of Easter Break, the Warren Co. way of doing things. We wouldn't have a complete week off for Spring Break, rather we would have random days off with a shorter school year than the majority of the population. Easter Break was looked forward to. And here I am, an adult, a minister in the church, and there is no kind of break in sight. Granted, I enjoy working for the Lord, but I must say on the other side of things, we as ministers might not be able to celebrate this Holy Week as we should, gathering people for extra services, doing special things in service. I mean after all our senior pastor as to preach 4 times this week. While he will enjoy it I'm sure, it is a lot of stress. Plus with the oncoming slaughter of assignments due soon, this week is even more busy. I'm going to be ok. God will take me through, but this is a moment and will continue to be a moment of wishing I was a kid again...deep breath...ah...