Jai Ho

You may be asking what does that mean? You may be saying...Matt is listening to the Slumdog Millionare soundtrack...which you would be correct. If you're wondering why I would be doing such a thing...go see the movie and you will understand. There is something great about a story about a child who came from nothing and has a story that is all too horrible yet great at the same time. When I got out of this movie, I thought this should win something because it's not political, it doesn't have a message, but gives a story, a story willing to be heard and seen...it's why we have entertainment. Ok I'm done telling you about this movie...oh and Jai Ho means "May you win".

Bear with me as this blog will be quite random...

Secondly my new plan to lose weight is going well. Now a member of the Maple Creek Athletic and Golf Club, I get to work out 3 times a week (yeah that's right, I'm a member of a country club at the age of 22...lol). I'm also doing the small meals, which I am happy to report after just 10 days I have lost 6 total pounds. No this blog will not become a weight loss blog...but I will likely tell you about my progress now and then.

Thirdly classes have started for me, and while the work is not always welcomed...it's nice to be learning again. As said in the last entry, my life is somewhat different from last semester so...yeah. And in other news, life just seems better. Things are working out. I use less money yes because I don't make as much, but then again I'm not starving (yet). So thanks to those who have always prayed for me and continue please!

Oh and I don't have anything serious with my health, as my tests came back negative for any masses...if you are confused by this last tidbit...call me to find out...lol

Something Different

Hmm...now there is the stereotypical thought about most blogs that have this type of title...but in all honesty...there's something different about 2009. Whether it be a renewed look upon life, or a more focused ministry, I feel my life is going to be something different this year. Maybe it is the constant emphasis on commitment in my preaching and teaching music lessons that gives me this perspective. Maybe it was the well needed rest I received over the holidays and these past few weeks. Maybe it was some type of confidence in certain relationships I have with people. Maybe it's just God ;-). In either case something feels different...something is perceived to be different...

I don't mean to be vague in these sentences above, but it truly is hard to explain. It is no change like a salvation experience or a presidential change, and it is nothing dramatic, but just subtle, like perspectives are interesting again, people are easier to be loved, a hardened heart becoming softer again. While not naive, I find myself looking for ways to be childish in my faith, yet mature (and jaded) enough to know and to do God's good work. I feel a love for my life, more than I did just a few months ago. I feel focused, ready for school, ministry, work, life! And how good is that? God is being great, granted He never stopped. But He is going to do great things this year...I feel it, I know it, I'll live it!

Maybe it was my change to boxer briefs...lol :-p


I'm blocked. Not in life, not in a job search, but in a sermon. No joke, I have this horrible feeling I'm going to repeat myself if I talk about small people in the Bible. I talked about Jesus this past week, and this week I wanted to Moses, but again, it's so hard not to repeat yourself about how great God is when He takes the small people in life. I don't know!

I think I stretched my brain a little too much today...almost too much on my place for the day. Oh well...in other news I have 3 official students for music lessons and it's been great. I think I'm really going to enjoy this. But it will be some extra driving.

And home was great for all who are interested. It was restful but not too restful. My only question is what is going to develop from that trip home? It's interesting to see people you haven't seen for a while and how they act around you, and how much you truly miss them when you see them. And to share their burdens and their joys if not for just a little while. Distance just takes so much, and complacency sometimes settles in that you sometimes forget about those people. But yet when you see them, you know of your love for that person, because you want to share those burdens as soon as you see them. I love my people at home and I wish I could see them more often to share those burdens, but I know God has me here to share burdens with the people I love here in Kansas City.

Ok...I think that's enough from me...