I Hope Heaven is Like This

So as I am sitting here with my roommate Matt, I confessed an interesting statement. I told him that my ideal heaven would be a coffeeshop with Wi-Fi and reading, everyday. And I'm not going to lie, I might have been completely truthful about it. There's something great about relaxing but also being mentally stimulated by the great people online (I read a lot of theological blogs), and the reading of books (tonight read 50 pages in a Luke commentary and likely to start reading more of Watchman [had some extra money and saw it and figured I should read most of it before the big opening next weekend]). So that might be my perfect heaven, coffee, reading, and relaxation, oh and also the social aspect of a coffeeshop; everyone in a coffeeshop is typically in a happy mood. So heaven=coffeeshop. And I'm blessed to have a occupation that allows me to have a few hours of heaven every week....

Weekly Update

the weekend that was: enjoyed some time "off" going to O Fallon, MO where we as a staff enjoyed some time together, which was great getting to know each other, but also to enjoy some new friends in learning about the way they do ministry, I got some great ideas for the youth room as well as worshiping in a great environment, it also gave me another reason why I need a new mac, other wise came back last night, watched the race with the Harris', and slept well back in my bed (as Hilton Garden Inn beds aren't that amazing)

where i am at the moment: doing laundry and some reading for the seminary

on my to-do list this week: thinking about new things in the youth room, reading, worship practice, sermon, the usual

procrastinating about: nothing really at this point

book i’m in the midst of: um...the five I'm reading? still The Shack...I just finished Holiness in the Gospels, which wasn't too bad

music that seemed to catch my attention this past week: still on a lonely Island kick...but something that isn't music that caught my attention...iWork '09, what a great program and I'm hoping to have it soon on a new Mac...hooray for saving money

how i’m feeling about this week: feeling good, as Amanda and I are officially one month tomorrow, otherwise, feeling energized with new ideas for ministry here in KC

Reading Better? or Reading Better Books?

I have rediscovered my love of reading recently. As I continue to be "forced" to read 5 different books at one time for class, I am enjoying them. Of course the question is, am I just reading better? Or am I just reading more readable material? I think I would have to go with the latter, as I continuously enjoy reading about the Bible and ministry (just look at my blog list, which is not complete on this blog) but theology can be some of the most boring or the most interesting thing in the world. So I say to anyone who reads this and may write something about God, make it interesting! Make it readable! Make it practical! Through such readings, people like me enjoy his/her job better as ministers, because we don't want to be hung up on a single theological thread for an entire book, or have a theological concept that cannot be used at all. And so I am understanding God's call to seminary through better readings and better applications from these readings and classes. And so I leave you with a blessing:
May the God our Creator, bless you in everything that you do, may He reveal Himself to you through thinking, and further understanding of His nature, and may He shine upon you in everything you do for Him. Amen.

Beginning of Week

the weekend that was: Spent lots of time over at Chris and Danica's for the Daytona 500 and Kaisa's Birthday party. Had a lot of fun with everyone, it's really like having this big extended family. Also helped Bill and Kay move somethings over at their house and picked up a new mattress and box springs on Saturday. If Friday is included in the weekend, I spent that day getting new glasses and haggling for the mattress...for reference to the new glasses:

where i am at the moment: At Chris and Danica's again! You're wondering...does he even go home? Yes...I'm doing laundry here because it's free and they're just awesome people.

on my to-do list this week: Paper that is due tomorrow, some reading for classes, getting prepped for a weekend in St. Louis, preparing for my first experience with paintball, and lots of planning for Young Christians Weekend, um and whatever else comes my way, give awesome music lessons all week

procrastinating about: well right now the paper, but I'm doing it directly after this blog, I think about calling some people back about lessons

book i’m in the midst of: New Testament Theology about the Gospel of Luke by Joel Green...it will be finished here within an hour and The Shack...which I'm trying to read before bed, but it hasn't worked over the past few days

music that seemed to catch my attention this past week: The Lonely Island's Incredibad...yes these are the awesome songs from SNL by Andy Sanberg and the gang...and yes it is awesome...full of inappropriate humor but genius...my favorite being "I'm on a Boat"

how i’m feeling about this week: I'm hoping this week goes well, it seems to be just a normal week other than the paintball and the weekend trip to St. Louis with the staff...I guess I have some things to look forward to

Nice Life

So I have a nice life right now...I have some great classes this semester...I have never felt more focused in my youth ministry...I am so happy with where I am living right now...and I am now with a wonderful woman of God (Amanda). So I have a nice life right now. God is constantly blessing me everyday and it's pretty darn cool. Otherwise, life is extremely busy at this point. And even my blogging will be lacking this week because I'm not finding enough to talk about or to justify talking about because I have to get going...lol...in any case I'm out.