Beginning of Week

the weekend that was: Spent lots of time over at Chris and Danica's for the Daytona 500 and Kaisa's Birthday party. Had a lot of fun with everyone, it's really like having this big extended family. Also helped Bill and Kay move somethings over at their house and picked up a new mattress and box springs on Saturday. If Friday is included in the weekend, I spent that day getting new glasses and haggling for the mattress...for reference to the new glasses:

where i am at the moment: At Chris and Danica's again! You're wondering...does he even go home? Yes...I'm doing laundry here because it's free and they're just awesome people.

on my to-do list this week: Paper that is due tomorrow, some reading for classes, getting prepped for a weekend in St. Louis, preparing for my first experience with paintball, and lots of planning for Young Christians Weekend, um and whatever else comes my way, give awesome music lessons all week

procrastinating about: well right now the paper, but I'm doing it directly after this blog, I think about calling some people back about lessons

book i’m in the midst of: New Testament Theology about the Gospel of Luke by Joel will be finished here within an hour and The Shack...which I'm trying to read before bed, but it hasn't worked over the past few days

music that seemed to catch my attention this past week: The Lonely Island's Incredibad...yes these are the awesome songs from SNL by Andy Sanberg and the gang...and yes it is awesome...full of inappropriate humor but favorite being "I'm on a Boat"

how i’m feeling about this week: I'm hoping this week goes well, it seems to be just a normal week other than the paintball and the weekend trip to St. Louis with the staff...I guess I have some things to look forward to