Weekly Update

the weekend that was: enjoyed some time "off" going to O Fallon, MO where we as a staff enjoyed some time together, which was great getting to know each other, but also to enjoy some new friends in learning about the way they do ministry, I got some great ideas for the youth room as well as worshiping in a great environment, it also gave me another reason why I need a new mac, other wise came back last night, watched the race with the Harris', and slept well back in my bed (as Hilton Garden Inn beds aren't that amazing)

where i am at the moment: doing laundry and some reading for the seminary

on my to-do list this week: thinking about new things in the youth room, reading, worship practice, sermon, the usual

procrastinating about: nothing really at this point

book i’m in the midst of: um...the five I'm reading? still The Shack...I just finished Holiness in the Gospels, which wasn't too bad

music that seemed to catch my attention this past week: still on a lonely Island kick...but something that isn't music that caught my attention...iWork '09, what a great program and I'm hoping to have it soon on a new Mac...hooray for saving money

how i’m feeling about this week: feeling good, as Amanda and I are officially one month tomorrow, otherwise, feeling energized with new ideas for ministry here in KC