Reading Better? or Reading Better Books?

I have rediscovered my love of reading recently. As I continue to be "forced" to read 5 different books at one time for class, I am enjoying them. Of course the question is, am I just reading better? Or am I just reading more readable material? I think I would have to go with the latter, as I continuously enjoy reading about the Bible and ministry (just look at my blog list, which is not complete on this blog) but theology can be some of the most boring or the most interesting thing in the world. So I say to anyone who reads this and may write something about God, make it interesting! Make it readable! Make it practical! Through such readings, people like me enjoy his/her job better as ministers, because we don't want to be hung up on a single theological thread for an entire book, or have a theological concept that cannot be used at all. And so I am understanding God's call to seminary through better readings and better applications from these readings and classes. And so I leave you with a blessing:
May the God our Creator, bless you in everything that you do, may He reveal Himself to you through thinking, and further understanding of His nature, and may He shine upon you in everything you do for Him. Amen.