A Theological Construct on Watchmen

If you haven't guessed, I have been reading the graphic novel and seen the movie twice, the first for the sheer enjoyment and awe of such a piece of art, and the second for an analysis of one of the best graphic novels/movies ever, and as some say one of the most important pieces of literature of our time. Now if you haven't seen it nor read the book, it should be ok, as I will be vague about the particulars of the story.

First of all, this movie and graphic novel is exactly what that word is...graphic. It's a rated R movie for a good reason as there are many adult themes including a stylized scene of sexuality, different scenes of nudity (you see a blue junk a lot...), bloody violence, that of which is no different from really any other rated R movie, and quite a bit of profanity. Why is this in such a piece of art? In my opinion it is a part of the dark characters that make up the Watchmen. If you are in the youth group and are considering watching this, I would think twice. If you are a parent of a teenager who wants to see the movie, be forewarned that is the graphic content in a movie or book worth the dark critique it offers? I will say it is a great movie/book, but use caution in what you see/hear...

Throwing that aside...Watchmen is a great character story mainly in its explanation and revealing of characters' pasts and psyches. The characters all seem to have some kind of flaw, shattering the perception of "good" superheroes. While the novel may point to say that all superheroes have flaws and are much darker than someone like Superman or Spiderman, it's also a critique on man. The hope we have in a superhero that has a human nature, just like the rest of us is fake according to Watchmen, for humanity is dark and carnal. This is shown through not only the pasts of the Watchmen, but the present actions of the Watchmen. Even the man who has the most power is subject to its nature whether it be detachment or intentional ignorance of the troubles of the world and at a point gives up on humanity, while some of the others are willing to do anything to solve the troubles of the world. And the other a complete confidence in justice...

However all the attempts of the "heroes" in Watchmen are in vain, as they cannot solve the problems of the world because of oppression by the government of heroes, and the unwillingness of the public to be saved. And so some hang it up, some go into hiding, and some go to individual vigilantism. But when the world is on the brink of a nuclear Holocaust, they all respond, according to their own psychological profiles. And yet their attempts to correct the world, to make peace in the world either comes through chaos, violence, or lies. And so we see the real joke, humans cannot save themselves...they cannot create peace without violence or deception...they are all doomed because of their human nature. And so hope for heroes, in the world of the Watchmen, and the real world is vanity.

And so it is in this philosophical construct that I will point this movie of graphic material to God. Man cannot save itself...and of course as Christians we should rejoice in such a conclusion because we believe the same thing! Humanity cannot save itself...in fact the Bible through its graphic material of adultery and violence shows this to the very extent! And so it is only through God can humanity be saved, because man can only create love and peace out of its own destructive tendencies. We may feel that we are doing the right thing by creating peace, but it is only in vain, as love and peace can only be found in God. Even in Watchmen, the closest figure to God is Dr. Manhattan, but because he still has human nature, it shows that any power by man cannot provide earth's salvation, which is a great critique on the nations of the world, that any power whether it be technology, or the Tower of Babel. How pathetic we are as a human race!

And so Watchmen is a critique on the illusions of humanity, the illusion that we can save ourselves. And so I say to Christians...Rejoice! For those in the secular world are picking up on this...and it offers a great venue to talk about how our dependence on God is the only way to live in love and peace.

While I offer just a small bit of Watchmen, as there are many different layers to this (I may have other analyses)...please ponder...please think...that we are pathetic and cannot save ourselves, but only be saved by God.



March 11, 2009 at 12:31 PM

Nice dude! Before you said it I was thinking just how "unoriginal" of a philosophical and theological analysis that comes to life in Watchmen. Like... "Going Green" is some new concept as well? If memory serves... you liked Dark Night for almost the very same reasons! Oh how godlessness walks many to the line and then has no hope to offer... enter Jesus!

Verification Word: EVIANH

What the french waiter said when asked what brand of bottle water was served!


March 11, 2009 at 1:15 PM

Yeah...the Dark Knight of course was more directly political...but we really can learn so much from these things...and you're right, these concepts were quite unoriginal except they came in a mainstream format instead of a philosophy book, which makes it such a great venue...can't wait to talk tomorrow!

Verification Word:

What the dermatologist was saying about my skin: Pore A is clean, Pore B has a big white head...