It still hurts...but

Hello all,
Yes it is that day...the day we remember the people who died on this horrific day 7 years ago...and it still hurts.

In fact we had a service of lament today at the seminary...and well...I found that I really didn't need that extra reminder of this still hurts...

And even though we brought up many different things that we care about like sickness, oppression, and those who have still hurts...

But how often do we need to be reminded about our current condition as humans? Isn't the world depressing enough? I mean last week's post should surely prove my point in my own still hurts...

Then we think...where is God in all of this? Does He even care anymore? Has He turned His back to us? Shouldn't we see something better out of God? still hurts...

But at the end...the end of our time...the end...there's something better waiting for us. Suffering, death, evil, is not there. No, it can't be there, because if it is then our God has failed us, He is not God then...then all our suffering is in vain...Christ's suffering is in can't happen...

Because the God I know is not a God of suffering, He takes care of the poor and oppressed, He helps us when we suffer, He is a loving God...something that humans don't understand without Him...He is the God of Abraham...He is the God of the apostles...He is the God of person and that see God wants to see us through, He always has...we just get in the way...Let my pride fall, my prejudices, my labels, my presuppositions...and let Him show love...not just to me...but to everyone...even when we fall...He raises us do show be holy...and because He does this now to His people...I know that the future is bright...not because of the last book of the Bible...and surely not because He knows what we as humans will do with everything (because if He did, and I believed that then I would be a Calvinist)...but because He is the Omega, the end, the eschaton...He holds the beginning and the end...both were good...and so as we move closer to the end...may we look for the good...the world still may hurt...we may still hurt...but the end is so much better...when we will be healed...

So at the end of the service...we reminded ourselves of that end...the good...that God holds the future...not certain events...but just the end...that's what we need to remind ourselves of when we suffer...that God in the end wins...and those with Him will win with Him...

What is up with me? Why would I put such a post up? Because I need to be reminded, not of the crappy stuff that has happened to me and gives me baggage for the rest of my life, but of the good God gives today to me, and tomorrow...maybe I can live my life a little bit better reminding myself that God holds the end...not us...and that's a good feeling to have...that suffering, death, evil is not the end...but that God is the's not about's about Him...

This just spilled out of intention to write this...but I think God is putting a message in my hands in a more complete way...this week I'm talking about the Elements of the Christian Life to my teens...Nooma 03 I think inspired me a little bit (go watch it)...and while those Elements are essential what's more essential is how we use those elements for the good of the end...for the Kingdom...for the end

It still hurts...but look at what God will do!


  Holly Face

September 13, 2008 at 8:35 PM

Oh boy. This looks like one of those devotionals they send me every day from that group that I felt guilted into joining on facebook. But I read it, and it makes sense. God is good and he won't let the pain consume us if we rest in him.