Well...since you want to know what's going on...

This blog will be updated (hopefully) each week. Some of you know how bad I am about this...some of you will find out. But here's the deal...I'm going to share what's going on in my life for all of you back at home, at Trevecca, or wherever you are after Trevecca, or wherever you are after hanging out with me in high school, etc. etc. etc.

If you haven't heard yet, I'm in Kansas City, attending seminary, part time youth pastor, part time library worker. As of right now I'm procrastinating...horribly...I need to be reading but today is not one of those days.

If you must know...it's hard to live in KC...not the long drives to get anywhere...not my church family as it has welcomed me so well...not the roommate...it's just hard to live here when so many are far from me. You know who you are...who I miss the most...I probably attempt to call you at least once a week. I think too that I don't have some constant person to talk to...some one to share with. And maybe it's because I'm living with some regret from times at Trevecca. Regret from not appreciating the people in my life as much as I should have. You never know what you got til it's gone.

Some of you may ask...why don't you make new friends? I have, a few. But they're hard to find in a city like KC. For better understanding look up inner city pressure by Flight of the Conchords on YouTube (this is quite funny).

While I may find some community here at NTS...I don't want to. I had my first class the other day and while I found it interesting to meet some new people...for some odd reason I did not want to get to know them. Completely odd for me, but I think I'm longing for some people back at home (be that Warren or Nashville).

So pray for me...I would appreciate it. Many of you know how I hate to be lonely. Pray for my ministry...we're doing some big things this week.

Wow...and I thought I would have nothing to write about.



September 5, 2008 at 7:26 PM

Sweet Layout... I have to go check those again!

So, that was kind of an emo read man... but I'm feeling ya for sure! That really clicks for me our first year in Warren. Making friends with "church folk" just didn't seem like friend friends... kinda always felt they were obligated to like us! HA! Well, things have certainly changed and some day you will consider KC one of your "homes" as you do Worn and Nashvilley!

We've always got our complex voice-mail relationship which... has waned this past few weeks that we've actually talked on the phone! I kinda dig wasting time talking with you and surfing the net at the same time. Flight of the Conchords is amazing! Shamefully speaking!


September 7, 2008 at 2:14 PM

I miss ya kiddo, jerk.
Keep the blogs coming or else!
:) And if you ever need to talk...i do have two ears. I'm just saying.....


September 12, 2008 at 1:05 PM

Moose! I miss you. I hope things are getting better for you. :)