The most political thing I ever wrote...some opinion...some objectivity

Hello everyone!
You will find me well on this day...and for the days to come, as I have understood some things that I haven't since I got here to KC. Thanks to mom for a good talking to. Have a busy weekend with a parade tomorrow with the church, it will be fun I'm assuming. I am looking to get an iPod my old one died and I'm realizing how much I need music. And that decision comes with a little anxiety for the reason being the economy. Here's my take on this whole situation...and sorry if this became a political blog to you...this situation just drives me nuts...

Warning, I did go on a tangent in the middle of this commentary...but it's a good one.

Who are these people leading the banks? Seriously? If they are so tied up in their own greed, why don't we just let them fall? Oh yes because we have money in these banks. People like you and me are suffering for an illegitimate system of greed led by these CEOs and people at the top who thought, let's make money even when we shouldn't. And so they oppress us by giving us ridiculous loans that should not be given out. When President Bush said 5-6 years ago that more people more than ever own homes now, we now know why, banks were giving out loans they shouldn't have left and right. Because without oversight, things that should be as stable as loans and homes go to crap when companies dodge regulation and do things they know they shouldn't (and don't tell me they don't know). I am not blaming anyone...I just want you to know this. It was all our faults, we took the loans (because we don't read the fine print), the banks gave the loans (because they want to make money through deception), the government turned a blind eye (both sides), I blame it on our system known as capitalism, I blame it on our republic (it's not a democracy people). If there is any blame it is everyone. I have said it before in the past 4 years since I became a knowledgeable person...captialism doesn't work, it is the least stable and it will fall.

And so now we are in this pickle, in the middle of the stinking Presidential race! No matter who you support on this, everything that has happened in the past two days with the legislative branches and the two potential executives with the President has been all politics. Right now they are supposedly working's bologney! Nobody is leading! Nobody! Here's my thoughts on this bailout...

We are no longer capitalist after this bailout. The very people saying we should not waste money and not have big government is doing that same thing. This is sort of ironic. If you are a conservative, Bush should not be your guy, neither should McCain as he proposes the same tax cuts and same wasteful spending on an unnecessary war. Don't vote for Obama though, as he will raise taxes on the richest (not anyone reading this blog, as I know none of you make $250,000) and begin to focus on us and the right war (if there is such a thing). So you conservatives just sit back this election for vote for a third-party candidate (wow, that would be revolutionary). Liberals can somewhat rejoice, as Obama has plans to do some big government things to help the poor and middle class, but he isn't the best (for liberals) either, as he preaches personal responsibility (that's what conservatives usually preach). So you have two candidates that are more in the middle than ever, what should you do?

Vote on the war. Vote on the economic plans. Vote on the energy plans. Vote on the plans that will help most of the people you know. Don't you dare come up to me ever by saying you're voting for someone because of their stance on abortion or gay marriage (civil unions), ever. Why? Because there are more important things in this world. Abortion can be stopped, but it's not through the government, it's through you and me, taking care of that woman who thinks of doing it. Gay marriage isn't supported by any of the candidates, but even if it was made legal, that doesn't mean we as a church have to marry them!!!!!!!! The couples just get tax cuts and the ability to see each other in hospitals. Gay marriage adopted by our government is just a piece of paper, it is not our sacred institution given by the church. Our way of thinking, God's way of thinking in marriage will not be threatened.

So vote on the issues that are plaguing this country...the economy...the war...the energy crisis (by the way, offshore drilling will just give more money to the oil companies and less abilities to figure out a better way to fuel this country...I know my stepdad works for a refinery, but he's not going to be out of a job by voting against offshore drilling)...the environment. None of our constitutional rights will be infringed upon by either candidate (guns, etc.) unless you want the Patriot Act (that would be McCain). So go and vote...on something that matters...and help the world where it needs help (see above).

Back to the financial bailout commentary...

The ways of dealing with this economy are polarized and pathetic...
Conservatives you're going to have to deal with it...your way of governing doesn't work (it proves itself right now as it has over and over again). Liberals your way doesn't work because it's not capitalist (which does usually help but again not capitalist). So what do we do? We either need to change our government or change our economy. We need to stop being so consumeristic, and start contributing to the world. This bailout plan doesn't do that. Instead we are only feeding the machine that will die. If we don't put regulation on it, I, YOU, MY FRIENDS, WILL PAY CEOS TO CONTINUE TO DO WHAT THEY DO, KEEP THE MONEY AND LET THE REST OF US DIE. Sure they may give to charities, but how many of those are to the people struggling even in this country? I'm sorry, I'm not paying my government to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. So here's the deal, if we want to stay capitalist, don't do the bailout. I disagree with the stinking thing anyways, these people should go to jail, not get more money. If you want to see this country limp, that's right limp, do the bailout, but please don't give money to the CEOs. That's just stupid. The biggest question for all of us is how much oppression do you want from these corporations as they infringe on our rights as people, there should be regulation, there should be justice. And right now I don't see that in just giving money without rules, and if someone sees that we should just pass the money to the corporations, you are naive and stupid (and I will not retract that statement). I root for the democrats on this one, if both sides are agreeing we need the bailout (in a perfect world we wouldn't have it).

There are some people here who say that Canada and Europe is not a good place to live, as it is socialist. The universal health care provides long lines, that the government is too big. Well my dear friends, our country has a government as big as them, it's just in a different market. I'd rather live there then here at this point. Maybe I should move to Canada, at least they have good doughnuts and coffee, Rush, and of course hockey. In any case, you have heard some of my opinions and some objective commentary. I stand independently. I am no conservative, I am no liberal, I am no democrat nor republican.

Look at the issues, not the pigs or the pitbulls, go vote.


  Seven Star Hand

September 26, 2008 at 5:58 PM

Hi Moose,

There's much more to this unfolding story. Be a little patient to understand the truth and then hold their feet to the fire!

Money Karma comes home to roost !!!

This is the long awaited opportunity to finally "kill the beast" and kick all the bums out, forever. Read what I have been saying for insights into another way to manage this civilization, without money and without evil cabals running this world. The keys to a "New Earth" are wisdom and cooperation, not the fears and follies of the past.

It will soon become painfully obvious, to even the most clueless, that it will be far easier to step away from the deceptions of the past (money, religion, and politics) and finally fix our civilization so it works for everyone, not just for a self-chosen and abominably greedy few. Why should humanity struggle and suffer any longer to repay massive debts and endure great debacles created by amazingly greedy and deceptive monetary and political leaders? Are you familiar with the ancient concept of a Jubilee? It's time has come, and the power of the rich and arrogant is about to be blown away on the winds of long-overdue and irresistible change.

Here is Wisdom...
